Jeff Conner

Jeff Conner

Let’s Talk About Stairlift Batteries

When it comes to your stairlift battery, you really have nothing to worry about if you have your equipment regularly maintained and inspected. Typically, the batteries have a limited number of charges and the expected lifespan of a stairlift battery…

The Importance of a Well-Ordered Home

If you want to enhance safety in and around the home, keep it simple, streamlined, and well-ordered. Make sure that there is ample access in and out of the dwelling, which will aid in emergency situations, prevent accidents, and reduce…

Utilizing Parks for Therapeutic Recreation

Therapeutic recreation engages individuals with recreational-type activities to enhance physical, mental, or developmental wellbeing. Parks and outdoor spaces are a great tool to utilize for therapeutic recreation plus, there is the added benefit of getting out in nature, enjoying the…

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