Neil Rotter

Neil Rotter

AveannaCare™ Mobile EVV App

Request Login Info It’s fast, convenient, and easy. AveannaCare is our new mobile app for submitting hours and verifying hours worked using your phone or tablet instead of email, fax, or physical timecard submission. AveannaCare will keep you compliant with…

It’s Our Turn To Pay Back Our Veterans

Photo by The U.S. Army While some countries make every citizen join the military at some point, the United States no longer makes service a requirement. This means that people who serve today are essentially volunteering to lay their lives…

How To Prepare For Long-Term Care

Image by Besno Pile from Pixabay Just about every long-term care advocate says the best time to start thinking about this service is long before you need it. In some cases, it may mean starting the process years earlier, even…